Former Market Day Customers Offered Profit Guarantee

News update: World’s Finest Chocolate has sweetened the deal for former customers of Market Day, the groceries fundraiser company it acquired in June.

by Emily Graham


As an incentive to Market Day customers to try a World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser, the company guaranteed Market Day customers that 2015-16 profits from a World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser will not be lower than their 2014-15 profits with Market Day. If this year’s profits are lower, World’s Finest Chocolate will pay the difference, according to vice president of human resources Anthony Gargiulo Jr.

Before the deal was made, Market Day was close to shutting down its fundraising business, according to Crain’s Chicago Business. Market Day offered a wide range of frozen foods, including appetizers, meats, pizzas and pastas, vegetables, and desserts. World’s Finest Chocolate is evaluating which of Market Day’s products it will continue to offer. To date, World’s Finest has not added any Market Day products to its lineup.

Gargiulo noted that although it is best known for its candy, World’s Finest Chocolate offers fundraising programs with non-chocolate products, including frozen cookie dough and other baked goods and trail mix.