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Market Day Acquired by World’s Finest Chocolate

by Rose Hamilton


Market Day, the groceries fundraiser company that’s been around since the 1970s, was bought by World’s Finest Chocolate this week. 

While it’s unclear what the future is for the Market Day program, World's Finest Chocolate, a Chicago-based chocolate manufacturing and fundraising company, noted in a press release today that it is committed to serving the fundraising needs of Market Day customers. In addition, “World’s Finest will be evaluating which Market Day products and programs they will continue to offer.”

The news release, posted this morning on the World’s Finest Chocolate Facebook page, stated that the company will acquire the Market Day fundraising brand and will be keeping at least 50 Market Day employees. It noted that Market Day customers will be contacted by World’s Finest Chocolate to discuss offerings for next school year.

Market Day posted a message to customers on Facebook about its exit from the fundraising industry: 

“Our heartfelt thanks go to all of our Market Day supporters over the years. We appreciate your thoughts and kind words of nostalgia. Because of you, Market Day has been able to help fund important educational resources for kids and communities for nearly 40 years. We wish you all the best!” 

In turn, it received heaps of praise from longtime loyal customers like this post: 

“I have been buying Market Day almost every single month since my daughter was in Kindergarten and she is now in college. I was devastated when I received your email yesterday. Wish I had known last month so that I could have stocked up a bit more.” 

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