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Top 7 Signs You Might Be a PTO Leader

Rex Bohn

If you need more arms than a starfish, you just might be a PTOer.


1. The principal knows your first name—and tends to avoid you.

2. Cashiers ask how many kids you have because of all the drinks, snacks, school supplies, and paper you buy in bulk.

3. You can change a diaper, do math flash cards, and prepare that night’s meeting agenda all while waiting at the pediatrician’s office.

4. You try to get your book group to follow Robert’s Rules of Order.

5. The janitor gave you the key to the broom closet, and you’re not afraid to use it.

6. Parents have always assumed you were a teacher because you’re at the school so often.

7. A quick stop at the library takes two hours because of all the parents you know from school.


# Angela Roth 2011-10-18 20:40
This is my life!! :-) Thankful it is too. :-) Love my PTA JOB!
# Angela Roth 2011-10-18 20:41
This is my life.....and I am thankful it is too! :-) Love my PTA Job.
# tinkermonkey 2012-04-17 18:15
I"ve been a leader at my school for the last five years and to me this reads as more negative than funny. I have a great relationship with our principal and we run meetings in a way that everyone feels comfortable, not stifled. Maybe I'm not cut out from this leader cloth, but I'm a great leader at my school just the same.
# Kim 2012-04-17 20:25
That's funny! Although I don't "think" the Principal tries to avoid me?.....hmmm LOL

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