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Selling Pizza on Campus

19 years 6 months ago #90621 by Serendipity
You will have to check with your principal as to whether there will be a problem with your food service providers. It all depends on what type of contract they have with them. As long as the contract does not state that no food items can be sold by other means during lunch hours you should be fine.

As for state laws, you should just be able to garner this information from your Superintendent or even from your town hall. Each state is different. Right now it is Texas (I think) that has the strictest food laws.

I would start by consulting your principal and go from there.
19 years 6 months ago #90620 by atronce
Selling Pizza on Campus was created by atronce
We are a new CA based PTO and have heard success stories from PTOs that sell pizza slices at lunch once a month. Is anyone aware of any prohibition with doing this (i.e. any violation of law or contract w/food service providers)?

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