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free cookiedough samples?

19 years 5 months ago #89372 by TheMetzyMom
Replied by TheMetzyMom on topic RE: free cookiedough samples?
Wayne, with soooo many cookie dough vendors out there, what makes yours better? One way to answer that is with a free tub of cookie dough. Your profit-to-the-school is about the same as everyone elses, so it really goes to two things: taste and/or customer service. Can you make up some 'half size' tubs to send out as samples? The only thing I can suggest is that you only give to those who ask. With new or prospective vendors, we have them come to a meeting with samples, be it cookie dough, brochure items, candles, or whatever. With so many vendors competing for cookie dough dollars, you may need to find some kind of gimmick... be creative! You can do it!
19 years 5 months ago #89371 by Debbieomi
Hi Wayne, if you are just starting your company in this endeavour, I would just be honest and tell the people. You could maybe state that you will offer samples only to the first so-many respondents, also. I'm sure smaller companies could go broke trying to give samples to every person, so i would just be honest about it. There will be some who will work with you anyhow, and then if their sale is successful and your product is good, word of mouth (or posts in here)
will help you even more.
Best of luck with this.
19 years 5 months ago #89370 by Wayne Vermillion
free cookiedough samples? was created by Wayne Vermillion
I'm with
I have a quick question. We are going to offer two types of programs this spring. 40% profit pre-packed by student and 50 % profit bulk. We are running ads in the PTOTODAY card deck. This will go out to 90,000 schools. Here's my question. How do I say no to all the schools that will ask for free samples. We back our product 100%, but I can't send samples to everyone. We need ideas from you guys/gals. Please respond if you can help. THANKS Have A Great Spring!!!
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