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wine tasting fundraiser

18 years 10 months ago #88633 by my3strongtikes
It sounds like a great idea. For our PTO functions because of liablility issues we can't serve alcohol as a PTO.
So for our installation dinner or Xmas party we have to have cash bar putting the person buying responsible.
You might have to look into those kind of issues too as to who would be responsible if something happened to someone and being served alcohol at a PTO function.


Cindy<br />
<br><br />
<br>____________________________________________<br />
<br>"People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege."
18 years 10 months ago #88632 by ScottMom#1
We haven't done them but the Topeka Performing Arts Center does one every August. I don't have there web address, but all the info is on their site. I believe it is a good money maker for them.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
18 years 10 months ago #88631 by boo
wine tasting fundraiser was created by boo
Has anyone done a wine-tasting for a fundraiser? Was it successful? I've seen some non-profits (not necessarily schools) do them at a local theater or "neat" place like an aquarium. I'd appreciate any info/advice!

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