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School spirit items

19 years 5 months ago #86788 by kara
Replied by kara on topic RE: School spirit items
Our PTO has a "Spirit Store". We set up at most home ball games. We purchase our small items from Spirit Line, they have a web site. Our bigger items come from a local t-shirt shop. We went in, ask her for her help, and designed several really nice shirts, sweatshirts,hats,and jackets. Things are selling nicely. The profit isn't the greatest, but it is producing great school spirit here. Good luck to you.
19 years 6 months ago #86787 by ScottMom#1
Replied by ScottMom#1 on topic RE: School spirit items
I like Crestline. I think they have a website.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
19 years 6 months ago #86786 by backhoed
School spirit items was created by backhoed
We are looking for some school spirit items (this is for a high school) to sell for our music booster association this coming summer/fall. Does anyone have any good sites to go to or can you recommend a vendor who sells clear mugs like Irish coffee or capuccino mugs that can have the school name and mascot put on them?

Also, does anyone sell ornaments with the schools name on them and year? If you do, are the sales good?
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