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Fundraiser Nightmare!

19 years 6 months ago #85478 by Paula75
Replied by Paula75 on topic RE: Fundraiser Nightmare!
I cant believe that you would even wonder what the right thing to do is. The real first place winner should win top prize, and the one who was announced first place winner (wrongly) should also win top prize. These kids put a lot of heart into fundraisers, especially the top sellers. I know because my son was top seller for 2 years and he's only a 3rd grader. Admit the mistake and pay 2 top prizes. Everyone is still a winner!
19 years 7 months ago #85477 by ScottMom#1
I agree that you should just shell out the money so everyone is happy and make sure that when it is time to do fundraisers again, that the person in charge does not let this happen again by not announcing it until it is time to hand out the awards.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
19 years 7 months ago #85476 by <Unhappy PTA President>
Replied by <Unhappy PTA President> on topic RE: Fundraiser Nightmare!
We ran into a similar issue, where a fundraiser was turned in 4 days after the due date and that person ended up being the top seller, therefore knocking out the person who was originally the top seller and submitted theirs on time. We now put something in our fundraiser that says in order to qualify for prizes, the fundraiser must be submitted by a certain date (and paid in full). We ended up giving out 2 first prizes.
19 years 7 months ago #85475 by pottsvillemom
Give the top three a $100. That is only $75 more than you were going to pay and off a profit of $11K, it would be worth the headaches you would start otherwise.

It is things like this that will cost you in the long run. Acknowledge the mistake, but tell them to make it right you have decided to award the additional prizes. I think you will get the parents on your side for future endevors.
19 years 7 months ago #85474 by pvtmom
Replied by pvtmom on topic RE: Fundraiser Nightmare!
I would give the right prizes to the right people. She should have waited to announce it. Unfortunately though, the first place winner is the first place winner. Frankly I don't like incentives like that for reasons like this!
19 years 7 months ago #85473 by <Unhappy PTA President>
Fundraiser Nightmare! was created by <Unhappy PTA President>
Our fundraiser has been a nightmare from day one. We did make $11,500 in profit, but with all the aggravation I have had.......I wonder if it's worth it.

The latest problem is this: A fundraiser letter was sent home in the very beginning that stated the top seller would receive $100 or a scooter, second - $75, third - $50, and fourth - $25. Rather than wait until fundraiser pickup day to make sure that the orders were both picked up and paid in full, our VP (fundraiser chair) announced in the school newsletter who the top sellers were. My problem? The top seller she named is actually third. We award these prizes tomorrow night at our meeting. I just don't feel right about awarding the top prize to the wrong person. Should we award the $100 to the wrong person and then pay out of the PTA money the award to the right person or do I just let it go as is and hope no one finds out?

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