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Need contest prize ideas...

18 years 10 months ago #84557 by Melissa Constantine
Replied by Melissa Constantine on topic RE: Need contest prize ideas...
When we do our fundraisers, we do daily drawings for one week as an incentive to get the kids to sell items. Monday after the first weekend they can turn in a drawing slip for just selling one item. After that, they can turn in a drawing slip for every 5 items sold. The prizes we are offering this year are:

Monday, Wednesday & Friday - $5 cash
Tuesday - CD/MP3 walkman
Thursday - School logo hoodie

We also have a grand prize drawing (a $50 gift card to Toys R Us) for anyone who turns in their correct money & order by Wednesday of the week that monies are due.

I don't know how much you are wanting to spend on your prizes, but you could offer a DVD player (Sam's has a DVD/video player for around $80), gift cards (Blockbuster or someplace like that) or "no homework" passes (check with the teachers first though.)
18 years 10 months ago #84556 by Jag
Need contest prize ideas... was created by Jag
We are having a kick off contest beginning in Sept and have a prize decided on for the class who sells the most for K-6th (pizza and a movie). Our 7th graders will also be involved in this contest and the prize we have chosen for the smaller kiddos, wont work for the 7th graders as we have over 150... Does anyone have any prizes or ideas on ways to motivate them to participate in this fundraiser?
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