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Auction: Sponsor A Staff Member

19 years 5 months ago #83848 by mum24kids
I got an invitation from another school who did this, and what I recall they did was this. On the form where you indicated how many tickets you were buying and what the names of the people attending were, they added a line at the bottom, right before the total line, entitled "contribution towards a teacher's ticket" for the price of the cost of the meal. (In this case, they were charging, say, $50/ticket, with $20 non-deductible and $30 deductible, so the "teacher ticket" price was $20.) Then, in a little paragraph at the bottom, they explained that they hoped to raise enough money to give all the teachers a ticket to come. I don't know how successful they were--I bought one, though, so someone bit!
19 years 5 months ago #83847 by Lisa-TOCS
Auction: Sponsor A Staff Member was created by Lisa-TOCS
We would like to offer the parents an opportunity to buy (sponsor) a staff person's ticket for the auction. Have you done this successfully? If so, how? Thanks!
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