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Cookie Dough

18 years 10 months ago #83510 by Bonnie A.
Replied by Bonnie A. on topic RE: Cookie Dough
Hello! Last year we did Market Day Cookie Dough for the first time - sold 500 tubs at $10 each. Pickup was kind of crazy - I would make sure that you have the volunteers organized who are helping - we had a problem because if you sold a certain number you got a talking cookie box and there was confusion of who's orders they were supposed to go in so some people who should have got them didn't and parents were upset. Otherwise it was a good sale. Cookie dough that wasn't picked up went home with one of the coordinators in her freezer - we don't have a freezer at school we can use!
18 years 10 months ago #83509 by ScottMom#1
Replied by ScottMom#1 on topic RE: Cookie Dough
We used a company that would bring the undelievered stuff back a second time. This time we found a used freezer to rent. The only thing I don't like about selling perishables is that we get excited aobut how much we make and wind up having to give it back because of irresponsible people. We have discussed making a committee to deliver and having them just drive around our area making delivers when these people are home. I still have a spring fundraiser box from March because the family went on vacation to Mexico and never came back and no one gave a phone number or address on the order form.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
18 years 10 months ago #83508 by mom2m&a
Replied by mom2m&a on topic RE: Cookie Dough
We told people the pickup date and time from the beginning of the sale. We also told them that at 6pm that day anything that wasn't picked up would be resold. We called people starting about 5 pm and believe it or not, didn't have any orders not picked up.

I was really concerned about it all too, but it really worked out well for us.
18 years 10 months ago #83507 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Cookie Dough
one suggestion I would say is to make sure that parents are very aware of the pickup date. Send home flyers to all the kids that sold dough at least a week ahead. I try to also mention it in the sales flyer letter, newletters, email, etc. GET THAT WORD OUT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!The only problem we have with perishable stuff is if there is alot not picked up we have little place to store it.
when going through your orders make sure that there are phone numbers clearly marked, about 45 minutes before pickup ends start calling and reminding those who haven't come. Set up ahead a time with the nice ladies in the lunchroom the okay to store what is left just for overnight. good luck!

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
18 years 10 months ago #83506 by <ChrystalK>
Cookie Dough was created by <ChrystalK>
Any good tips on doing a Coookie Dough Sale. We are trying one this fall and I am a bit nervous about it. It is with Sally Foster. Just wanted to see if anyone had some more suggestions. Thanks
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