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Popcorn Poppers

19 years 6 months ago #83011 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: Popcorn Poppers
I highly recommend you visit a restaurant supply or concession supply store if there's one near you. (We go to ACE.) They will have models for you to look at and the salesmen are very knowledgeable.
19 years 6 months ago #83010 by ScottMom#1
Replied by ScottMom#1 on topic RE: Popcorn Poppers
We got ours through Gold Medal as well. Anytime we need something for it, we can just call the supplier and they know what we need. Ours is on a cart so it can be moved easily to whereever we need it, like the gym for the carnival or someplace next to a sink to clean. It also hold the supplies. Not sure you need one that big, but since popcorn supplies are very inexpensive, you will find yourself making popcorn for the whole school on certain occasions to celebrate and it's much easier with a big machine. This will also be handy if you do movie nights!

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
19 years 6 months ago #83009 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: Popcorn Poppers
I could be wrong but I think that Gold Medal sales equipment like that. The popcorn popper at school was there long before me. I am sure Gold Medal has a website, their catalogs are awesome and I thought there prices were reasonable. If I was going to get one I would want one with a warranty. I am not sure if ebay would offer that (I've only been to that site one time).
19 years 6 months ago #83008 by xplor144
Popcorn Poppers was created by xplor144
I want to get a popcorn popper for us- but don't really know where to look. I have seen them online now for a little over $300 for a 4oz one. I see them on ebay for the same amount (I've always wondered why people think I will pay the same amount on ebay as I can just order it for). Anyway- I will be making a trip to Sam's Club next week. Any ideas? Also- I have seen the supplies sold for a 2 oz size, but can't find those anywhere online. We are a very small school, with only about 190 students, so I don't really know what size I would need! I am going to use it for fundraising- selling bags of popcorn at lunch on a certain day. Then for movie nights, etc. Any guidance is greatly appreciated!!!
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