If anyone has any ideas how to get painting equipment donations for a playground painting project, please let me know. Also, if you have reusable stencils (hopscotch, agility ladder, world map or US map), please contact me. We plan to paint in May and can return the stencils within the month. Thanks a lot. calogera.mccormick@gmail.com
FREE HELP WITH YOUR PTO MAP PROJECT. I'm a retired teacher and have been painting playground maps for the past 32 years. I have many good ideas to help you with your map project. r.pooley@yahoo.com
:)We have used the One Shot Ink Rollers from Stencilease and have not had any problem with flaking. It seems to adhere very well and comes in several colors. They now have some new playground stencils also. Of course with any paint it will need to be reapplied when it fades. Here is the link below for the ink.
Oneshot® Replacement Neoprene Roller
I just did this a couple of weeks ago using a non-profit organization, made up of active and retired phone company personnel. This groups is called the VerizonPioneers. One of their "things" is painting the US map, and also the solar system, on school playgrounds.
It was great. Once we had the new asphalt put in we set this up. She came down on a Sunday and we had about 15 volunteers.
She had a plastic sheet with 2" diameter holes. Once in position we went around and spray painted the dots. We then used rollers and the supplied paint to connect the dots. Then we went about following a special grid card to color in the states. Lastly water was painted around the coasts.
The group even supplies a games booklet that can be used by the staff to help with instruction.
Google them, VerizonPioneers, and select the local group. Contact them and see what they can do.