Events & Programs Archive

We know planning great family events is a big part of what your group does. There are tons of ideas in the articles below for new and better ways to connect with parents, even planning events around holidays. Find more helpful tools and info on the Events & Programs resources page.

  • Organizing a School Fun Run

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    Done right, a jogathon can build school spirit while also earning some big bucks.
  • Reward Assembly Stirs Debate

    A fundraising assembly featuring dogs doing tricks spurred months of debate in a southern California community after a mother protested excluding those students who hadn't sold anything.
  • Auction Makeover

    By turning its long-time auction into a more upscale, innovative event, one PTO took profits—and parent enthusiasm—through the roof.
  • McDonald's McTeacher McOK

    Sometimes I just shake my head at the food police.  Sure, there are definitely occasions when marketing to kids and marketing through schools can go too far, but this MD councilman's implied claim that McDonalds McTeacher Nights make kids fat is over-the-top.
  • Goooood Morning, Columbus!

    400 or so of our (new!) close friends are having a great day today in Columbus, Ohio.  It's our first event of the 2008 Expo season. Dozens and dozens of exhibitors, talented entertainers and fun, and PTO Today experts offering insight and answering questions on all of your most vexing PTO challenges.... Great combo.
  • The Disappearing Field Trip

    I suspect field trips might be completely gone by now if not for the work of school PTOs and PTAs.  Keep it up!
  • NC PTO looking to raise funds in new ways.

    Quick story from the Tar Heel State on a PTO looking to repalce traditional fundraisers with more creative efforts
  • Do you really welcome new members and new parents?

    I ran across this video recently and saw such clear connections to our PTO challenges. Reminded me a lot of what I've talked about in my columns and in my PTO Expo keynotes over the years.
  • Harlem Wizards at CT School

    Not a lot of news here, but I really like the Harlem Wizards folks.  Very cool program, and the kids love the great basketball.  Combines fun family night with some nice fundraising potential.
  • 16 Quick and Easy Event Ideas

    With a little creativity, you can plan activities that strengthen the school community without breaking the bank or exhausting your volunteers.
  • Make Your Events Memorable

    Simple touches can transform a good event into a four-star success.
  • Contractor's Day Puts Parents to Work

    School beautification becomes a prime involvement event.
  • Do More With Fewer Resources

    Parent group leaders share tips for making do when money is tight and volunteers are scarce.
  • Holiday Shops: Make Yours Shine

    Parent groups share creative ideas that have made their seasonal stores a hit year after year.
  • Parent Group Caters to Families

    Five moms keep involvement high year-round with a series of meal-centered activities for the school community.
  • Family Event: Low Cost, High Profile

    PTO Today's 2007 Parent Group of the Year for Outstanding Family Event brings parents and students together with a camping night that's inexpensive, easy to plan, and one of the most popular events of the year.
  • National Runner-up: Eagle Project Really Soared

    A combined literacy and community service project to save the bald eagle really took off for PTO Today's 2007 Parent Group of the Year national runner-up.
  • Family Events Better With Bunco

    Faced with parents’ lack of interest, one PTO risked it all on a throw of the dice—with positive results.
  • Fundraiser Goes Into the Woods

    An annual trail race through the town forest uses local resources to raise money while abiding by a policy that prohibits sales by students.
  • 36 Ideas for Arts and Science Enrichment

    School performers, assemblies, and cultural events can excite students and bring new perspectives. Get started with our list of memorable activities.