Your PTO and the Principal

by Tim Sullivan



As we start thinking about next year, here's a challenge for you: How can your group serve your principal? How can you make your principal a hero?

It's easy when you're lucky enough to have that outgoing, engaging principal who supports all your work without fail. But it's perhaps even more important when you have a principal who isn't a natural at PR and connections. Schools work better on all levels when parents feel connected and welcome, and your group can be a huge part of that connection-making. 

And, frankly, if you do have that tough principal, the best way to break down the barriers for your group is to continually do more for her. Thank her (even if she might have been an obstacle), and include her in all of your wins as a group. That kind of service can do wonders for your group and for the camaraderie of your school as a whole.

Here’s one of my columns about putting yourself in the principal's shoes. We also have a new article called “Help Parents Connect With the Principal” that offers tips on how your group can facilitate connection and communication.