Your Favorite Facebook Posts of 2015

by PTO Today Editors


We’re taking a look back at the Facebook posts you loved in 2015. You’re welcome to share the images below—just right-click and download—and we’ve added links to additional resources that correspond to your favorite topics. 


Our most popular post this month was a quote apparently attributed to a penguin. But it reminds us of how PTO leaders are always striving to do a better job. If you feel you want to kick 2016 to high gear, read “How To Be a Successful PTO President”. Also, our article “Midyear Check-in: Assess, Reexamine, and Plan Ahead” will give you and your group a boost! 

Volunteer Appreciation

Not surprisingly, one of your favorite quotes in February was about love—and volunteers! If you are looking for ways to let volunteers know they matter to you, read “Treat Your Volunteers Right”. Also, we have lots of free gift tags for volunteer gifts on our File Exchange. 

Math Madness

The big hit in March was our pi post. It so happened in March 2015 that we had a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence when a precise moment in time—9:26:53 on 3/14/15 (Pi Day)—corresponded exactly with the first 10 digits of pi itself! We know PTOs love supporting math and other academic programs for kids, and you can find lots of enrichment ideas on our site, including a new article, “Cool Enrichment Ideas for PTOs”.

Keep Calm

This post was a favorite, and we can see why it resonated with our community. In April, the pace really picks up with spring and year-end events. Everyone needs a reminder to take a breather. And our article "A Key To Avoiding PTO Burnout: Take a Breather" is a great read for when you’re feeling overloaded.

Teacher Love

This post made a splash at the start of teacher appreciation week. No surprise there! Also, it wouldn’t surprise us if some of you are thinking about teacher appreciation for 2016 right at this moment! Admit it! Our list of teacher appreciation resources has everything you need to start planning! 



Here’s June’s top post. And let’s just say this one certainly speaks the truth! Your efforts really can turn an ordinary school into a thriving, connected community! For more on community-building, check out “5 Ways To Build School Community”


We had a big response to our Mythbusters post in July. The image links to a popular File Exchange item that details common parent group misconceptions. It’s a great tool to use when encouraging reluctant parents to volunteer. For more ideas on how to recruit volunteers, check out our articles “9 Steps To Recruit More Volunteers” and “How To Cultivate Long-Term Volunteers”.

Peer Support


This month’s most popular post was an inspirational quote from a community member. Nice! We understand how kind words from peers can make a difference. For more inspirational quotes, read "Inspiration from PTO Leaders"

Principals Matter

The big hit in September was our instructional post on how to duct-tape the principal to the wall! (You can get the full details in this duct-taping blog.) School communities love it when the principal gets involved. And for more tips on working with the principal, read “Improving Your Relationship With the Principal”

Volunteer Recruitment

In October, our post about why people don’t volunteer really struck a chord. We know recruiting and keeping volunteers is always a big concern for you. To get more resources on volunteer recruitment, head over to our File Exchange where you can select lots of free and customizable flyers. Also, our quick video on why parent involvement matters is great to show at parent events. 

True Grit 


This post was a runaway hit in November, and no wonder—it speaks to the determination we’ve seen in all PTO leaders and volunteers! To read more about parent group accomplishments, check out our Parent Group Hall of Fame, a collection of articles about our recent Parent Group of the Year winners. 

Leaders at Heart

This post focused on how leaders can help new volunteers learn the ropes. We received many good tips on how to mentor and guide parents. To get more leadership tips, go to our Leadership page where you’ll find lots of resources for managing a group. Best place to start? How about our article “Are You Ready to Lead?”