Winging It

Rex Bohn

Bingo plans fly out the window after a hawk takes up residence.

by PTO Today Editors


The Group: Holy Guardian Angels Regional School HSA, Reading, Pa.

The Setting: The school gym, where tables would be set up for hot dogs, baked goods, and multiple bingo games.

The Idea: Hold a "basket bingo" night where winners could select a handmade basket to take home. Attendees could also enter raffles for other prizes at the Sunday night event.

What Went Wrong: On Friday morning, an unexpected visitor took up residence in the gym-a red-tailed hawk had flown through an open door. The bird perched in the rafters above the basketball court. The principal tried to lure the hawk out with caged mice and a caged rabbit, but it stayed put.

What Happened Next: Wildlife experts said the bird, nicknamed Henrietta by students, was roosting and would likely stay put. "Once it was determined that she was planning to stay awhile, we went full steam ahead with making the alternate arrangements [for basket bingo]," recalls publicity coordinator Theresa Goerner. Two newspapers and a TV station came to the school to report on Henrietta's visit, giving extra publicity to the HSA fundraising event.

The Outcome: The parent group moved the fundraiser to the social hall, which ended up working out better for both atmosphere and food concessions. Henrietta stayed in the gym for another day before leaving through a window. Bird experts are keeping an eye on the hawk, which they believe has laid eggs on a property next to the school.

Good News: "We were very surprised at the amount of media attention we received for a hawk," Goerner says. "On a positive note, the media attention was a marketing opportunity in which to have our school highlighted."

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