Why the Fuss About Teacher Appreciation?

So let the teacher appreciation festivities begin. Roll out the special snacks (don’t forget the silly puns), place beautiful flowers on their desks, send them special notes, and host a fancy lunch. They most certainly deserve it.

by PTO Today Editors


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g class="size-full wp-image-6752 alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black;" title="PTO Today Teacher Appreciation Word Cloud " src="//images/ptoblog/2014/05/pto-today-teacher-word-cloud.jpg" alt="PTO Today Teacher Appreciation Word Cloud" width="300" height="300" />PTOs and PTAs make a big deal of Teacher Appreciation Week. When we recently held a Say Thanks to Teachers contest asking groups to submit teacher appreciation ideas, we couldn’t believe the response. So many wonderful ideas! And it was amazing to see how many PTOs and PTAs do a carefully crafted week of activities (one gift or surprise a day) to show teachers how much they care.

Are teachers worth these kinds of tributes? Let’s put it this way: Bet you can remember a teacher who made a difference in your life, and if you can, then the question is, how can we thank teachers enough?

I can remember one in particular, and it was decades ago. Her name was Elizabeth Myles, my 5th grade teacher at Bird Elementary in East Walpole, Mass. The year was 1970 and she had a shag haircut and wore a lot of pantsuits with big collars. I thought she was beautiful. But more than that, Miss Myles was the first teacher I can recall who treated me like I had value. She frequently encouraged me to write, and I can still remember the moment she called me a “budding author’’ as she reviewed one of my many book reports. She made a difference to me.

Many groups do go all out during Teacher Appreciation Week. But it’s not just to recognize the long hours teachers put in or the dozens of tasks they juggle. It’s also to thank all the teachers out there like Miss Myles who have had an impact on a child’s life.

Do you have a special teacher you remember? Tell us your story in the comments section below!