Why I Love Our PTO Expos (and Why You Should Go)

by Tim Sullivan


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I'm going to be very direct this week: If we have a 2015 PTO Expo in your neck of the woods, I highly encourage you to get a friend and check our Expos out.

What's so great? I could go several directions here, but my favorite aspect of the Expos (and I see it every year) is the chance for volunteer parent leaders to be treated like the heroes you really are. It's your day, entirely built around your needs and filled with people with the same passion for serving that you have. That energy is palpable.

Of course, there's also the great ideas and the fun and the tons of freebies that will fill your trunk. Those aren't half-bad, either.

Check out our Expo video, and see what these parent group leaders had to say at our recent Massachusetts Expo. 

Can't wait to see you this spring!