Who Decides?

Interesting dust-up in Massachusetts. Boston Globe covers fight between Governor and Mass. PTA. Good story, but misses the key question: why the heck is the Mass. PTA responsible for this nomination? Classic case of a politico assuming that PTA = all parent groups, when in reality Massachusetts PTA represents less than 5% of Mass parent-teacher groups. Love idea of a parent requirement on the state Board of Ed., but i can think of 10 better options for how to choose that parent. Troubling, too: state PTA president says PTA's nominee has to agree to support all national PTA positions. Absurd, considering that Massachusetts has close to zero voice with National PTA (less than one-third of one percent of national membership). Will follow...

by Tim Sullivan




eresting dust-up in Massachusetts. Boston Globe covers fight between Governor and Mass. PTA. Good story, but misses the key question: why the heck is the Mass. PTA responsible for this nomination? Classic case of a politico assuming that PTA = all parent groups, when in reality Massachusetts PTA represents less than 5% of Mass parent-teacher groups. Love idea of a parent requirement on the state Board of Ed., but i can think of 10 better options for how to choose that parent. Troubling, too: state PTA president says PTA's nominee has to agree to support all national PTA positions. Absurd, considering that Massachusetts has close to zero voice with National PTA (less than one-third of one percent of national membership). Will follow...