Which Fundraiser Best Fits Your Group?

by Tim Sullivan


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Yes, there is a right fundraiser for every group. And there are great fundraisers for one group that aren't a fit for another. Sometimes, your fundraising struggle isn't because of execution; rather, it's because the fundraiser you picked was a bad fit in the first place.

The article “Which Fundraiser Is Right for You?” has comprehensive information on the many factors involved, but the key is to think about your group's strengths, your relationship to your parent community, and even the demographics of your parent community.

Do you have an abundance of volunteers and a track record of successfully executing fairly complex offerings? If yes, then you can consider a big event for sure. Otherwise, a turnkey program (with a sales rep to help you and marketing materials already created) might be your best friend. That's why the traditional “sales” fundraisers (gift wrap, candles, catalog sales, cookie dough, etc.) have worked so well for so long.

New online options? Those too aren't (yet) right for everyone. Is your school community fairly tech-savvy? Are your parents mostly all on smartphones and tablets now? If not, then the time may not be right for you to go digital for your fundraising.

The worst result is to work really hard and not get rewarded with the funds you need for your important work. Some time spent early in the fundraising process to find the best fit for your group is the best way to avoid that end.