Ways To Improve Parent Involvement


Six commonsense steps that can help increase interest in volunteering.

by PTO Today Editors


Ask for What You Need

It’s a simple idea, but one that is sometimes overlooked. The more specific your requests, the more likely people are to step up.

Make Yourself Visible

Put your group out there at your open house, during various school and community events, and via your school’s website and social media channels.

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Talk About Your Results

It’s not bragging—letting people know that your carnival profits paid for new interactive whiteboards, for example, makes your work (and their contributions) relatable and concrete.

Thank Volunteers Often

Being warm, gracious, and appreciative go a long way toward making people feel invested and like they want to continue.

Think Beyond Moms

While mothers are a valued mainstay of involvement, reaching out to dads, grandparents, and others in the community widens your volunteer pool and diversifies experiences.

Make Involvement Easy

You may have a few helpers who have the bandwidth to give it their all, but provide plenty of easy opportunities for those volunteers whose time might be more limited.