Volunteering: Not Just for Moms

With this school year heading toward the end—it’s happening next month in lots of places—you’ve probably given at least some thought to your volunteer base this year. Were most of them moms? I’m betting they were, and that’s totally OK. 

by Tim Sullivan


But my tip is to start thinking about ways you can increase (and enhance) that base by thinking outside of the box. Yes, lots of groups probably started with some core members who talked to their friends and got it off the ground that way, and again, that’s OK. But you don’t want your group to get a reputation as being “just for moms.” If it does, you could really miss out on some valuable volunteering diversity.

Over the years, we’ve featured lots of stories on dads and the many ways they can contribute to their kids’ schools. One that stands out to me is “Get Dads Involved,” about ways to get fathers more connected to their kids’ schools.

More recently, we ran this great story about grandparents, who can play a key role in any parent group that values their wisdom and time. 

Who else could play a key role in helping out? Maybe you have a local rotary club you could hit up for some classroom readers. Or maybe there’s a veterans group that can come in and talk to kids. Even middle schoolers and high schoolers looking for community service hours can lend a hand. You have lots of options, so as you think about your volunteer needs for next year, be sure to take a look around.