Volunteer Appreciation in Minnesota

Love it when districts "get it" when it comes to honoring and valuing volunteer efforts in schools.  Here's a recent parent-focused release from the Anoka-Hennepin district in Minnesota that captures that well.

by Tim Sullivan



e it

e it when districts "get it" when it comes to honoring and valuing volunteer efforts in schools.  Here's a recent parent-focused release from the Anoka-Hennepin district in Minnesota that captures that well.

Two more cool things about the release: 

1. All that data on volunteer hours was captured because the district uses our PTO Manager "Volunteer Manager" software to help encourage volunteering and to track volunteer efforts.  Neat to see such nice end results.

2. We're goig to be in Anoka-Hennepin Tuesday for our PTO Expo.  I'll be presenting a "best habits of successful PTOs and PTAs" keynote in the morning.  If you're in the area, i hope you'll come by.