Valuable Conversations at the Parent Group Expos

We've been having a lot of fun at our PTO Expos this year. Being able to talk face-to-face with energetic parent group leaders never gets old. Whether it's hearing about the challenges you face or exchanging ideas about our School Family Nights, the experience of spending time with leaders at our Expos makes everything we do worthwhile. Of course, hearing all the positive feedback about our website, magazine and Expos is pretty darn neat too.

by PTO Today Editors



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We've been having a lot of fun at our PTO Expos this year. Being able to talk face-to-face with energetic parent group leaders never gets old. Whether it's hearing about the challenges you face or exchanging ideas about our School Family Nights, the experience of spending time with leaders at our Expos makes everything we do worthwhile. Of course, hearing all the positive feedback about our website, magazine and Expos is pretty darn neat too.

Moving forward, we hope to be sharing videos of conversations with Expo attendees about their school events and their reaction to the Expos. Here is our first video of two PTO leaders from Rhode Island, with their feedback on the Massachusetts Expo.