Use to Help Make Back-to-School Time Less Stressful

by PTO Today Editors


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know back-to-school time can be wacky with so much to do, so here’s one way to make it less hectic: Help your teachers get their class supply and wish lists online at

This could make for a great summer project and you’d be helping your teachers join a rapidly growing group! Since was launched just 2 months ago, more than 20,000 lists—representing 50,000 classrooms—have gone online! is a free, easy-to-use online site where teachers create and maintain their lists for both classroom supplies—all the stuff kids need throughout the year—as well as their wish lists. There’s also a “specialty teacher resources” list that teachers can create for harder-to-find items like bulletin board supplies and curriculum materials. The lists are shared with parents who can then access them at their convenience, including from a smartphone while shopping. ends the hassles that both teachers and parents have long experienced from old-fashioned lists. Teachers no longer need to recreate lists year after year and parents no longer need to hunt down lists their kids have lost or forgotten to bring home.

As an added incentive to teachers and schools, we’ve been giving away lots of prizes, including iPads, free school supplies, and gift cards just for getting lists online. For instance, schools can qualify to win more than $300 in school supplies from brands like Bounty and Puffs and a vinyl “Our School Rocks!” banner if they get all their teachers’ lists online. Read more about our prizes here.

Here’s another example of how easy it is to win prizes: If a teacher creates a list with any Elmer’s product on it, he or she automatically gets two free Elmer’s glue sticks for the classroom.

So, reach out to your teachers this summer and help them get on board with If you are just getting started, order our free School Kickoff Kit here.  You’ll get a quick guide to as well as a poster and flyers to get the word out at your school.

If you need any assistance with creating or publishing teachers’ lists, we are here to give you a hand – we can even help you get your school’s lists online! Just check out our At Your Service page