Tree of Thanks or Tree of Shame?

Here's a lesson in the power of impressions over reality and the dangers of unintended consequences.  It's from New Jersey where one PTO's "tree" (in the school hallway, each leaf represents a family that donated to the PTO) is causing quite a stir

by Tim Sullivan




e's a lesson in the power of impressions over reality and the dangers of unintended consequences.  It's from New Jersey where one PTO's "tree" (in the school hallway, each leaf represents a family that donated to the PTO) is causing quite a stir.

Worth noting first that i am 100% certain that the PTO leaders here had no intention of hurting anyone's feelings or causing harm.

But that doesn't change how some parents feel, and that reality has to be taken into account.  I hope these guys can all come back together.  It sounds like this group already does a great job of thanking volunteers all year round, so my suggestion:  how about makig this tree two times or three times as big and combining the $$ donators and the hours donators on one big community tree in a "we're all in this together" spirit.

How do you feel about this dust-up?  Should the parents who donated nothing just pony up a buck and get a leaf?  Or is this gripe legit?