Top 5 PTO Jobs You Can Leave to the Kids

Rex Bohn

Take a break—let the students handle these basic PTO leadership tasks.

by PTO Today Editors


1. Publicizing PTO meetings: Need to send out messages to 330 families lickety-split? Look no further than your daughter’s talented texting fingers.

2. Balancing the PTO budget: Imagine solving your group’s quandary of whether to purchase that new reading program or the new playground over a friendly game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

3. Banging the gavel at meetings: What kid doesn’t love to make a lot of noise and look authoritative?

4. Deciding the menu for the gala auction: Fret no more over picking from the caterer’s endless array of fancy entrées. Everyone’s getting hot dogs, chicken fingers, and french fries—lots of french fries.

5. Programming the music for the karaoke machine at the family dance: Your group can never be accused of running a dance that’s “soooo lame” ever again!