Top 5 Carnival Booth Ideas Your Principal Will Probably Reject

Rex Bohn

“Creative” booths that will never see the light of day.

by PTO Today Editors


1. Pin the Tail on the Real Donkey: Renting a donkey for kiddie rides? Get your money’s worth and use him for this highly interactive game, too! Kicks are practically guaranteed.

2. Teacher Whack-a-Mole: Having staff photos pasted to the moles might be popular with students, but it won’t win you any points with the teachers.

3. Musical Rice Cakes: Think about it—this would be so much cheaper than the traditional version, and healthier, too.

4. Costume Karaoke: After last year’s Lady Gaga incident, it probably is best to put this activity on the shelf for a while.

5. Parent Face Painting: Give your adult volunteers a break and let the kids express their creativity by painting their own parents’ faces. On second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea....