Top 5 Carnival Booth Ideas Your Principal Will Probably Reject
“Creative” booths that will never see the light of day.
1. Pin the Tail on the Real Donkey: Renting a donkey for kiddie rides? Get your money’s worth and use him for this highly interactive game, too! Kicks are practically guaranteed.
2. Teacher Whack-a-Mole: Having staff photos pasted to the moles might be popular with students, but it won’t win you any points with the teachers.
3. Musical Rice Cakes: Think about it—this would be so much cheaper than the traditional version, and healthier, too.
4. Costume Karaoke: After last year’s Lady Gaga incident, it probably is best to put this activity on the shelf for a while.
5. Parent Face Painting: Give your adult volunteers a break and let the kids express their creativity by painting their own parents’ faces. On second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea....