Tim's Tip: Create One "Wow" PTO Event

Take a look back at your just-ending PTO year. Do you have one really memorable event that went off great, one that people remember and that has become identified with your PTO or PTA group?

by Tim Sullivan



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e a look back at your just-ending PTO year. Do you have one really memorable event that went off great, one that people remember and that has become identified with your PTO or PTA group?

I call that a "signature event," and I talked about why having a signature event is so important in a recent video blog entry.

These can really be anything, whether it's the annual school fair with the fire trucks and antique car parade or the dinner dance gala that has become a highlight of the (adult) social calendar. The key question is this: Is the event becoming a well-known, looked-forward-to annual tradition?

If you have one of these, make it even better. If you don't, work hard to get one. I can tell you with great confidence that one awesome event plus one good event is a way better recipe for PTO success than six just OK events. Success can help change your reputation in the school community, and successful events definitely attract the best volunteers.

Want a jump-start on creating your own signature event? You can start with one of our School Family Nights as a platform for making something really special. You can also get great ideas from our Facebook discussion on signature events that's been going strong.