Three PTO Organization Tips

by Tim Sullivan


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g class="size-full wp-image-7416 alignright" title="Leadership tip: simple organizational systems make life easier. " src="//images/ptoblog/2014/10/1014_leadertip_blog_r2.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="300" />It's still a fairly new school year, right? So it's a great time to put some simple practices in place that can make your life easier, your successors' lives way easier, and your group more successful. I have three tips:

1. Create a system for event recap reports. Keep the reports simple, but ask your chairs to summarize the event right after it happens with contact names and numbers, as well as successes, mistakes, and recommendations for next year. Our event evaluation and planning form can help with that.

2. Manage volunteer information. Does your PTO itself (not the school) have a system for communicating with parents and keeping track of how they can help? Who has a truck you can borrow? Who is good at designing flyers? Who offered to help with the spring fair? Can you email these people in two clicks? The effective PTO has its own simple system for doing this. Our Volunteer Manager software is perfect for this.

3. Similarly, are your books and financial records in a sharable, simple format? A good system (such as our Finance Manager software) will help make the treasurer job less complicated and create a history to pass from one treasurer to the next.

You can get more done for your school with fewer people and fewer volunteer hours, if you take just a bit of time now to put better systems in place. It's worth it.