Three New Year’s Resolutions for Your PTO or PTA

by Tim Sullivan


I have to do it, right? It’s in the rules for newsletter writers: I must suggest some resolutions for the new year. Who am I to go rogue? Therefore, I say:

1. Resolve to count how many times you ask parents for money and then reduce that number. Have a few great fundraisers and then use those dollars to serve your school, your teachers, your kids, and your families. That’s what you raise the money for. But it’s perfectly OK to provide free popcorn rather than charging $1. Everyone will appreciate it, and over time those few fundraisers will even make more dollars as supporters come to love your group even more.

2. Resolve to write one quick email per week thanking someone for something having to do with your PTO or PTA. You’ll be amazed how powerful this habit is. I offer more thoughts on the importance of showing thanks in “A Culture of Volunteer Appreciation.”

3. Resolve to protect your group. Take 20 minutes to see if your funds, your property, and your officers are covered by insurance. (Sadly, they might not be.) Then give our affordable insurance packages a good look. 

Best wishes for an amazing 2016 from all of us at PTO Today! And here are some just-published humorous resolutions for you, as well.