The Real Housewives of Your PTO?

“Do you believe that parent volunteers have the power to make a positive difference in the life of the children in your community? Is your PTO or parent group made up of colorful, opinionated characters that aren’t afraid to confront issues head on – even if it causes conflict within the group? Does it feel as though your organization is frequently struggling to find a middle ground on day-to-day issues, even though both sides feel they have the group’s best interests at heart? Would your group do whatever it takes to advocate for the well-being of your kids?”

by Tim Sullivan




e’s an interesting twist I thought I’d share. I recently heard from a TV production company thinking of creating a reality show around a PTO group. Seriously.

Well, if they’re looking for drama and human interest and good work and the occasional tear-filled dust-up – PTOs certainly could fit the bill. I personally hope they’re going more Extreme Makeover (“watch how this group transforms their school”) than Jersey Shore (“watch how this group drinks waaaay too much at the auction”), but either way I’d certainly watch.

Here’s the actual write-up from the producers:

If you’re interested in learning more for your group, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, location, and a brief summary of your organization.

If this thing takes off, we’ll certainly follow here at PTO Today. Are you the next reality star?