The PTO as School Community-Builder

by Tim Sullivan



We so often think of PTOs and PTAs as fundraisers or teacher-appreciators. But my favorite description of PTOs and PTAs is simply: glue.

What turns a big, cold brick building into a place where kids love to learn and teachers love to teach? It’s not the pay or the amenities; it’s the people, all connected around that big, cold brick building, making it warm and welcoming. Yes, I love gifted math teachers, but the magic really happens when that gifted math teacher practices her craft within a community of teachers, students, and parents working together.

Fostering that community through family events and teacher support and communications and collective effort is what the best PTOs and PTAs do. All of your other great results flow from that.

We have a great new article, 5 Ways To Build School Community, that can help you with this important goal. 

Good luck!