The Key to Transition Success

This is the time of year when so many PTOs and PTAs are thinking about elections, new officers, and officer transition. 

by Tim Sullivan


For some groups, there’s the tricky matter of choosing from several interested volunteers, and for others it’s a continuous challenge to find someone to step up.

No matter which camp your group falls into, the real key to transition success is what you do for your new officers once you’ve found them. Ideally, outgoing leaders make it easy for new officers to benefit from their experience, build on their success, and count on their support and guidance. But too often, there can be a subtle friction between new and old, as if new officer's success somehow diminishes the past leaders’ work.

Do what you can to avoid this type of transition vibe. The last thing new folks need is to feel like have to prove themselves immediately. One suggestion to keep momentum going in the right way is to hold an officers retreat over the summer. Invite both incoming and outgoing officers, and encourage the folks leaving and entering a position to make the most of their time together.

Other helpful transition resources include:

Help Prepare New Officers for Success

6 Tips for Transition Planning

What I Wish I Knew