The 3 R’s of Summer PTO Work


Well, really there are four. Because I’d say your most important task of summer is to relax so you can arrive back to school refreshed. But a little basic PTO homework during the summer can really help you keep on top of things.

by Tim Sullivan


1. Reflect. Try this one at the beach or by the pool. Take time to think about what kind of leader you want to be and set personal goals. Not sure? Think about leaders you admire, from past PTO leaders to national figures. Consider how to adopt the leadership styles or tactics you’ve observed.

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2. Review. Think closely about your events and fundraisers. Did you meet your goals, or not as much as you’d hoped? What would you like to change for next time? Check out 5 Ways To Make Your Event a Success for some quick tips.

3. Retreat. Gathering leaders over the break can help keep your incoming board members interested and informed. A summer retreat is an opportunity for everyone to think about their positions for the next school year. “Hold a PTO Officers Retreat in the Summer” has some good information on that.