Thanks for the Difference You Make

My favorite holiday of the year makes this week's note very simple: Thank you. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to your school community and all the kids you serve.

by Tim Sullivan


It can be a thankless job, PTO and PTA volunteering, which makes this Thanksgiving message that much more important. What you are doing makes a huge difference to hundreds, and you may not even see it. You're making a school warm for a student or family who may otherwise struggle to connect. You're helping a dedicated teacher get through one more hard week or year. You're the difference between a school that just exists and a school that lives and breathes and cares.

So again: Thank you! Our blessings for a well-deserved break and peaceful holiday. And for some inspiration while you recover from your turkey coma (and your relatives), check out:

Why We Do It

Keep Calm and PTO On

A Family Tradition of Volunteering