Tell Your Great Story

by Tim Sullivan



If yours is like most parent groups I know, then I bet you don't brag about your accomplishments nearly enough.

I bet your school’s parents know when fundraising sales week is and when you need volunteers. But if those are the loudest messages you send, is it any wonder that parents think of your group as mainly just wanting their money and time?

If you don't change that narrative, no one else will. When PTOs brag, they aren't being cocky or arrogant; they're telling a positive story that helps them do their essential work better. Future volunteers are attracted to success and successful groups, but they won't know how successful you are if you don't tell them. Repeatedly. 

Did you supply something for the school? Get the photos on Facebook. Did you get a nice thank-you from a teacher or student? Copy it to everyone. Are you submitting pictures of your fun events to the local paper? Local papers love that stuff!

Marketing your parent group is a legitimate (essential) function of your group. Keep doing your great work, and make sure the whole world knows about it.