Teacher Appreciation Tips for the Final Stretch

A roundup of ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week from articles, the File Exchange, Idea Bag and Tim's Tip.

by PTO Today Editors



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h Teacher Appreciation Week just a few weeks away (May 7-11), we thought it might be helpful to provide a roundup of articles, tips, and ideas, as well as some free files to download from our File Exchange.

Now, we know some of you have your Teacher Appreciation plans well mapped out and ready to go. But we are guessing there may be a few folks out there still looking for ideas or even just starting to put your ideas together. No worries! Some of the best events and gifts come together beautifully in the last moment, right?

So, just for the sake of argument, say you are one of those last-minute types. You might want to take a look at our teacher appreciation article designed just for you. It has some fun and easy ideas, such has having students make cards for teachers.

This article also mentions the very popular (and quick to put together) gift known as The Candy Poem. You can download a copy of it from our File Exchange here.

Also on the File Exchange, you will find a few dozen more Teacher Appreciation files to download that you can use in putting together gifts. One amusing one is the Priceless Lunch Duty card, which is a “gift card’’ for teachers giving them a pass on lunch duty for a day. Of course, it requires a volunteer parent to take the shift!

Another quick turn-around suggestion gives teachers a similar pass for recess. This is a simple and easy one, but it will certainly be appreciated. Read our Tim’s Tip on this idea.

If you check out our Message Boards, we have an entire forum set up on Teacher Appreciation topics.

One example is an exchange with a parent doing a sports-themed Teacher Appreciation celebration. Another exchange offers ideas for a garden party themed luncheon and includes menu ideas (salads).

Also, our Idea Bag section on our site is loaded with ideas submitted by parents. One terrific suggestion is to send a thank-you to the kids whose parents help out, saying you appreciate them letting the school borrow their mom or dad.

Finally, once you’ve wrapped up your events on the week of May 7, you can scan this article for ideas for next year!

Have a great Teacher Appreciation Week!