Successful Astronomy Night -- with a Little Help from the HSA

On the heels of Tim's Tip about the importance of parent involvement, I found this article about a New Jersey school's Astronomy night.

by PTO Today Editors


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the heels of Tim's Tip about the importance of parent involvement, I found this article about a New Jersey school's Astronomy night. What a great example of merging academic goals with family events. Kids and their parents engaged in learning about planets and constellations, and making the connection with Mythology -- what could be better?! Most events like this one are not possible without the support of parents.

"The principal ... noted that the event would not have been possible without a supportive school community. Besides RVCC's contribution of the Star Labs, the event was partially paid for by a mini grant from Readington's Home and School Association (HSA)."

Way to go, Readington HSA!