Show Your Appreciation All Year

by Tim Sullivan



Around here, we love Teacher Appreciation Week. It’s one of our favorite times of year, in fact. It’s in a month, from May 4-8, and lots of PTOs and PTAs go all out coming up with cool ways to show their teachers they think they’re the best. We have a wealth of Teacher Appreciation resources that I’m pretty sure is second to none.

Believe me, I’m all for that. Teachers are some of the most hardworking folks out there, and they certainly deserve the effort. And it’s one of the things that parent groups do best, coordinating just the right volunteers to do something really special.

I’d just like to add that while it’s good and important to acknowledge your teachers in May, don’t forget about the rest of the year. How about a luncheon in December when teachers, like you, could really use a break from the holiday craziness? How about coordinating dinners, even just a few pizzas, during parent-teacher conference time? Even a cup of coffee the next time you stop for one yourself on your way to school is pretty much guaranteed to bring a smile.

Like I said, we have lots of resources, too many to list here. But when you have time, take a look at our new slideshow called “9 Quick and Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts,” and our popular Teacher Appreciation Resources List. You’ll get lots of great ideas to use next month—and the whole year through.