Shifting to the Season of Giving


by PTO Today Editors


Are we ready to move on from candy, costumes, and ghosting? Looks like some PTOs are! We are already seeing news stories about groups starting community outreach and other holiday traditions.

Just a few examples:

    • The PTOs of three schools in Hermitage, Penn., launched a program called Harvest Hope. The plan is to collect Thanksgiving foods and assemble the fixings in boxes that can be delivered to needy families. The PTOs started the fund with $800 and are looking for additional donations. They are working with school officials who will identify families in need, and the goal is to assist up to 100 families.

    • The PTA at Valley Elementary in Poway, Calif., is running an Adopt A Family Program. Families can “adopt” another family and fulfill that family’s wish list for the holidays. At Chaparral Elementary, a neighboring school, students are assembling care packages for U.S. troops this month.

If you are looking for community service ideas, check out our story about a PTO helping out a school in need and our article about involving kids in community service initiatives.

Also, check out our File Exchange section on community service where you can download flyers and letter templates for food drives.