School Community Helps Kids Create Handprint Mural

by PTO Today Editors


The PTA at Breckinridge Elementary in Lexington, Ky., knows how to have fun. To celebrate Kentucky Kids Day, an annual statewide PTA event held each September, this parent group decided to create an outdoor mural and make sure every single student was involved. 

Amazingly, the group was able to help 667 children place their handprints on an outdoor whitewashed wall in just under three hours! Beth Jinkerson, PTA president, says there were 20 to 30 parents volunteering throughout the day and she suspects the way the group asked for help may have contributed to such a big turnout. 

When the PTA first requested volunteers, they received only four RSVPs. “You just roll with the punches, right?’’ Jinkerson says. 

Then, to keep things casual and not pester parents, they sent out just one more request—on the night before last week’s event. The PTA messaged parents reminding them to send their kids to school dressed in clothes for painting. And they suggested that if parents wanted to stop by to help, they’d be welcome.

Jinkerson says many parents came by on their lunch breaks, and other were in and out a few times. “At one point I looked up at all the volunteers and thought, ‘This is incredible. This is community!’’’

The PTA president says it was so hectic and fun that at one point she realized she’d lost track of her own husband. He apparently had to head out and another parent had stepped in to help kids wash their hands!

The lesson: Try a fun event that will sell itself—making it silly and exciting for both parents and kids to participate. You may find more parents are willing to volunteer. 

Check out these resources for event ideas: 

16 Fun Events for Your PTO and School

20 Fun Family Events

5 Ways To Make Your Event a Success

To get a jump start on an event, go to our School Family Nights page to download our free kits.