15+ Anti-bullying Assemblies and Programs for Schools

It's cool to be kind! We round up the best anti-bullying assemblies and programs for elementary and middle schools.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month, but anytime is a great time to host an anti-bullying assembly for students. Bringing an anti-bullying assembly or program to your school is a great use of those PTO fundraising dollars because it directly influences students' lives for the better and encourages them to change their school community (and the world) through kindness and respect for others. Below, we round up some of the best anti-bullying assemblies and programs from our community of PTO and PTA leaders. Check them out to see which one is the best fit for your school!
Matt Wilhelm: The Amazing Anti-Bullying BMX School Assembly
Matt Wilhelm's elementary school assembly program is designed to entertain, educate, and empower. He creatively mixes BMX bike tricks with his own inspiring stories of beating the odds en route to becoming a BMX National Champion. Learn more
The NED Shows
The NED Shows include NED's Mindset Mission, NED's Kindness Adventure, and The Original NED Show. Learn more
Box Out Bullying
Box Out Bullying is a national touring organization that specializes in combining research-based bullying prevention with dynamic live theater. Learn more
Hey Dude, Nice Shoes
"Hey Dude, Nice Shoes" is an anti-bullying/pro-kindness workshop presented to tens of thousands of students across the country each year. Learn more
Omegaman and Friends
Omegaman and Friends presentation is a 45-60-minute interactive assembly with participation and powerful visual illustrations, designed to promote good behavior by one of their SUPERHERO presenters. Learn more
Jim Basketball Jones
Jim Basketball Jones delivers inspirational school assembly programs for all grade levels. His engaging and highly interactive school assemblies have made Jim one of the most sought after school assembly in the country. Learn more
The Man in the Black Chucks
The Man in the Black Chucks tells the story of his real life adventure, on being the kid that only had one pair of shoes, the kid that was bullied because his house wasn’t as nice as everyone else’s, the kid who teachers counted out because of his repeatedly worn clothes, the kid some thought would end up in prison. Through hardships and adversity, his stories inspire during this antibullying session for students K-12. Learn more
Prismatic Magic
Prismatic Magic’s bullying prevention assemblies address the best ways to combat harassment by safely standing up to bullies and getting help when needed. “Teamwork Traits” help reinforce these themes and empower students to stop bullying in its tracks, while their high-tech laser animations and amazing energetic songs keep students engaged. Learn more
Super U! Challenge School Assembly
“Super U! Challenge” is a one-of-a-kind school assembly that uses a unique format of a wacky kid’s TV game show to help students understand that their words and actions impact everyone around them, and to empower every grade level to do their part to create a safe and friendly school community. Learn more
Chris Poulus
Chris is a world champion athlete, youth motivational speaker, and aspiring author who shares powerful life lessons as he demonstrates amazing bicycle stunts. He specializes in core values, anti-bullying, and character education. Learn more
Kind Campaign
Due to Kind Campaign's global support and fundraising efforts, the Kind Campaign Assembly is free of charge. Kind Campaign will provide your school with the documentary film and a detailed Kind Campaign Assembly Guide that gives you a step-by-step agenda, assembly script, and all the interactive activities to ensure that you have a successful event. Learn more
The TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly uses engaging storytelling, real-world examples, and audience participation to teach students how to identify different forms of social-emotional pressures. Learn more
Mr. Peace
Mr. Peace is a youth motivational speaker whose presentations are high energy, interactive, customizable and include age appropriate content, engaging multimedia, and positive hip-hop musical performances. Learn more
Richard Paul Stop Bullying Assembly Program
Students will learn the difference between conflict and bullying, what to do if they are being bullied, what to do if they think they are being bullied, and how to work as a team to report bullying behavior. Available to schools in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Learn more
Stand for the Silent
Through an engaging, factual, and emotional presentation, Kirk Smalley, along with the help of student leaders, presents his inspirational story, and students are shown first-hand the life and death consequences of bullying. Learn more
Marc Mero
Marc Mero shares his captivating journey with audiences worldwide and inspires people to examine their life choices. This assembly is for middle school and high school and addresses anti-bullying, suicide prevention, goal setting, substance abuse, treating others with respect, having compassion and making a difference. Learn more
Joe Beckman
Joe Beckman has created unique and powerful presentations that resonate deeply with school communities. He has different talks for elementary, middle, and high school students, as well as adult educators. Learn more
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