Readers' Choice Contest Underway: You Pick Parent Group To Win $500!

Our PTO Today Readers’ Choice is under way. Can't wait to see which of the outstanding groups will win our $500 prize!

by PTO Today Editors


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g class="alignright size-medium wp-image-7214" title="Parent Group of the Year Readers' Choice Contest! " src="//images/ptoblog/2014/08/PGYfbcontest_fb-300x300.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="300" />Our PTO Today Readers’ Choice contest went live this morning, and we can’t wait to see which of the outstanding groups will win our $500 prize!

The contenders are the eight category winners in our 2014 Parent Group of the Year search. You can read about our Parent Group of the Year winners, including Rosemont Ridge Middle School, which is our grand prize winner this year. Rosemont Ridge holds the distinction of being the only parent group to be a two-time winner of the Parent Group of the Year search—exactly 10 years after it first won! The group will receive our $3,000 top prize!

But back to our Readers’ Choice contest. We decided we wanted you, our readers, to help us give away another $500 prize to one of the category winners. You’ll find the contest on Facebook, and you can participate by selecting the “Readers’ Choice” app from our Facebook page. Or, simply use this link:

Each person (adults only) can vote one time per day. The parent group that gets the most votes by Monday, Sept. 8, will be declared the winner.

So, start voting! And remember to spread the word to your community!