PTOs, Fundraising and the Economy

Seeing this story more and more these days, as local media pick up on PTOs and PTAs dealing with the economic downturn. Here's a piece from Florida on some PTAs bringing in less. And this Maryland piece looks at how some local private schools are dealing with having less.

by Tim Sullivan




ing this story more and more these days, as local media pick up on PTOs and PTAs dealing with the economic downturn. Here's a piece from Florida on some PTAs bringing in less. And this Maryland piece looks at how some local private schools are dealing with having less.

We commissioned some research of our own this fall with interesting results that will be in our January and March issues. Sneak preview:

  • 56% of groups surveyed said profits fell this fall vs. just 19% with an increase.

  • For those with lower profits, 65% said profit was down by 20% or more.

  • For groups with lower profits, 38% are planning to add another fundraiser and 25% are planning to reduce or eliminate programs or services.

What's happening with your group?