PTOs and PTAs Come Alive on Social Channels

by PTO Today Editors



If you still aren’t sure whether social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are catching on with parent groups, then take a look at what’s happening this back-to-school season!

We are seeing great social activity with photos of open houses and first-day-of-school moments, event invitations, teacher gifts, and volunteer thank-yous. Using photos and images, PTOs and PTAs are better able to convey their personalities, showcase their achievements, and tell their community’s story.

Case in point: To update families about its orientation and mini book fair, Durbin Creek Elementary PTO published a photo album (right) on Facebook that showed its volunteers in action.

If you are looking for ideas on how to take your Facebook activity to the next level, check out our Back-to-School Social Media Tips, a free download on our File Exchange.

We also have a quick guide for getting started on social media that is helpful for folks new to social networking. It's also a free File Exchange download.

Oh, and please join us on the PTO Today Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest channels. We have a really lively and helpful social community! You’ll find great tips and ideas from PTO and PTA leaders across the country.