PTOs and Alcohol: Part 2

It’s a question that always elicits passionate debate: Can you include alcohol at a PTO event?

by Tim Sullivan


Our Rose Cafasso covered some of the legalities in a recent post on PTOs and alcohol. Now I’d like to share my thoughts on the topic (and I’d love to hear your take, as well).

To me, it starts with rules and what your group is comfortable with. There are likely rules on the books about alcohol at school events, and most schools and groups don’t even consider adding cocktails at events where the kids will be present.

But what about a school auction held at night at a hotel? Or a dinner dance? What about a PTO meeting held at the president’s house? Can she or should she offer attendees a glass of wine?

On those last couple of questions, my advice is to get a feel for your group’s and your school’s comfort level before proceeding. Provided the group is generally OK with it, then I think a responsible approach to adult beverages is OK. Responsible in this case means letting the professionals take over (the bar at the auction hotel has trained servers and a license), choosing an event with a “grown-up” versus “party” vibe (like a dessert party with cocktails), and checking on your liability. Insurance coverage is always a good idea for PTOs and PTAs.

I’m a big fan of adult-only social events fitting into the school and PTO calendar. And I don’t think alcohol automatically equals “irresponsible” and “bad example.” It’s much more about what feels right and what works for your unique school community.

I’d love to hear your opinions on PTOs and alcohol on our Facebook page.