PTO, Students Love it When Principals Pay Up on Their Bets

by PTO Today Editors


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ecent news report revealed the principal of Farrand Elementary School in Plymouth, Mich., was caught eating a worm.

Don’t panic. This of course was another principal making good on a promise he made to his student body and the PTO at the beginning of the year. The school community bet it could raise $10,000, and if it did, the principal would have to eat a very wiggly lunch.

Some may find stunts like this over the top, but we think these stories are great. For every principal who has landed in a dunk tank, kissed a goat, or been taped to a wall, there are children and parents who have laughed uproariously and felt a common bond. Really, it’s a great way to motivate kids, build community, and boost school spirit, especially at this time of year, when the students have logged in a lot of hours and parents are feeling a little fried as well.

We asked for wackiest principal pay-up stories on our Facebook page and one noteworthy item told of a principal dressing up as a princess while another story was about a principal who spent the night on the school roof (he was delivered to his perch via a fire truck bucket) when his students met their reading goal. Impressive.

So, here’s to all the principals who are good sports and all the PTOs who know that sharing a good laugh is one of the best ways to help people connect.