Preventing Embezzlement in a Few Easy Steps

There's been another wave of embezzlement stories in the news, but luckily there are simple steps your group can take to prevent it from happening.

by PTO Today Editors



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ve had another round of parent group embezzlement stories lately. Earlier this month, a Wheeling, West Virginia woman, who had served as a parent group treasurer, pleaded guilty to stealing more than $10,000. These stories make you wonder if it’s a statement about our tough economic climate. But, when someone goes out and allegedly buys a life-size nutcracker, along with alcohol, cigarettes and an X-box on the PTO’s dime, one can’t help but think this is not a story about economics. Unfortunately, parent group embezzlement has sadly been happening for years.

Sometimes, we hear accounts of parent group leaders who didn’t set out to commit a crime, but instead thought maybe they could “borrow’’ a bit from the PTO till and then, before they knew it, they had lost control. Whatever the reason for stealing, it can devastate a group, financially, and even emotionally, until they can build themselves back up.

But parent groups can take a few simple steps to prevent embezzlement, including having someone other than the treasurer review the bank statements and checks each month, doing a yearly independent audit and considering bonding insurance. Check out the PTO Today video blog to get more details on this embezzlement prevent plan.

Also, this article on protecting your parent group has some great advice from groups that have their own embezzlement stories to tell.